Today, more commercial projects are utilizing both indoor and outdoor kitchens and fireplaces in their designs. Upscale home designs often include outdoor fireplaces and ovens as a focal point to expand outdoor living spaces. Building codes usually require refractory mortar for these types of installations, so when your designs call for fireplaces, chimneys or brick ovens, make sure the product your construction team uses meets the code requirements. Heat Stop® Refractory Mortar is an easy to use, economical brand of mortar that can be effectively used in the installation of firebrick and clay flues, as well as in repair or restoration work. Heat Stop has been tested to and meets the requirements for ASTM C-199 medium duty and ASTM C-1283. All Heat Stop products resist temperatures well in excess of 2,000 degrees – so your construction team can be assured that they will receive the best possible outcome while also staying in compliance with the latest building codes. A 50-lb. bag yields approximately 60 lbs. of refractory mortar. Visit our product section for more information. Heat Stop products can be purchased anywhere clay flues and firebrick are sold.